
Welcome to my online UI/UX portfolio

My name is Nick Samaras, a UI/UX designer strongly focused on creating beautiful, functional UI's.

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Featured Projects:

Below are 2 of my favorite projects I created while working towards my UX/UI Associate Certificate from BCIT 2023.

Better with Bacon

Website – Hi-Fidelity Prototype

UI Design | Desktop | 2023

While working on my UX/UI associate certificate from BCIT one of our assignments was creating a website.  My inspiration for this site came from cooking and bacon, because who doesn't love bacon,

ABC & 123

App - Hi-Fidelity Prototype

UI Design | iPad | 2023

ABC&123 is an educational iPad app designed for kids learning to read.  This was developed as part of an assignment for my BCIT UI/UX associate degree

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