UI – App – Book Box Hi-Fi Prototype v1-1

Hi-Fidelity Prototype App

Book Box Hi-Fidelity Prototype iPhone X

Project Details

Project Name:

Book Box



Designed for:

iPhone X  (375 x 812)


Adobe XD


Academic - BCIT MDIA 2330 UI UX XD 


Nick Samaras - UI Designer


Book Box Prototype Link

User Flow    Wireframes    Design System    Hi-Fi Prototype

Problem Statement

How can a family who love to read give back to their local community while getting to know their neighbors


Book Box was created as an assignment for my BCIT MDIA 2330 UI / UX / XD class.

Business: Book Sharing Network

User Story: For a parent and child who like to read and want to have an adventure at the same time.

Background: Nick and his 7 year old daughter Athena like to read and go for walks together. With this app they will be able to find neighborhood book share boxes to drop off old books and pick up some new ones. Through the app they will be able to see what books were left previously from other users and through QR codes Nick and Athena will be able to upload photos to the app of what is currently in the book share boxes for other users to see. Nick and Athena can also order or download there own QR code to setup a book share box in there own neighborhood.

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User Flow

This user flow demonstrates the steps needed to login / sign up for a Book Box account, how to search for a local Book Box, how to update a Book Boxes contents and how to register for your own Book Box.

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Wireframes were created using Adobe XD in order to demonstrate page and element layouts for different sections of the Book Box App.

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Design System

For the Hi-Fidelity prototype, components were created to help keep elements and page layouts consistent throughout the Book Box App allowing for fast and efficient prototyping.

Colors are based on green tones to give a more nature-inspired environmental feeling when using the Book Box App which is contrasted with purple tones. 

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The Book Box app will help users find, share and give back to their local community in the form of books.  Through the Book Box app, you will be able to sign up to host your own local Book Box in front of your home making you a staple in your local community for reading.

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